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Friday, December 19, 2008

Be Yourself And Yet Attract Women!

By Bruce Min

There are literally thousands of so-called 'proven' techniques to pick up women. In most cases though, what this really means is that you should quite simply become an entirely different person to be successful with picking up women.

These techniques really don't work, or at best, may work for a limited time. Pretending you are someone else creates nothing but a hassle later on in life, when you discover who you really are. At best, you may get to go out with the woman of your dreams on a few dates, but once she realizes who you really are, it will likely end, because you've been lying.

So who are you anyway? - Before you're able to move forward with becoming a better you, you should first determine who you are now. You don't really have to dig deep to get a good picture of this. The first thing you need to figure out is very simple - what makes you happy? What makes you, you? Maybe even ask your friends for some help on this.

Realize that this is who you are, that you are someone who is interesting and attractive, no matter what others say. Besides, being interesting and attractive is subjective. Just because that jock at school is good looking, it doesn't really make him any more attractive.

Discovering yourself is really one of the keys to meeting women. It helps you to find out what you may have in common with other people, and why they might be attracted to you.

What are your weak points? - No need to be shy we all have it. Perhaps you just have trouble with starting a conversation, and thus cannot get enough confidence to do so. Maybe you're shy about what will happen if the woman says 'yes', or even if they say 'no'. Figure out all of your weaknesses, and what you could do to improve upon them. This will help you to become more confident.

If speaking is your problem, consider joining a public speaking group to help. Maybe even consider a book, or maybe even discussing it with a therapist - there is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, this will help you to become a confident individual.

What are your strengths? - Now that you've gotten the hard part out of the way, figure out what your strengths are. Are you fluent with words, or perhaps a star athlete? Can you create love letters that will make Shakespeare look like an amateur? Well whatever the case, work on those strengths to further expound them. They'll be a great tool in maintaining and developing confidence.

Realizing your strengths is central to being your best self, and an essential part of how to pick up women.

Keep at It - If after everything you've done, you're no nearer to getting the girl you like, take heart. Rome was not built in a day. It is more likely that the right woman has not presented herself yet. Be patient and keep trying. Be Yourself - And most of all, be you. If you try too much to be like James the basketball player, you're not being your best self - you're being the best James you can be. Women want to know the real you. If you're a painter, then use your art to show that woman how much you like her through painting. If you're a poet, write a poem. It's not at all bad to try and learn a sport or a skill to improve yourself, but to learn it solely to pick up girls is a no-no. They'd see right through you anyway.

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