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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Young Ladies With Acne at Puberty

By Zul Rahman

Puberty is a difficult times for most teenagers. Girls for example going through a lot of physical changes to their body.

Girls starts their menstruation, going through growth spurts, growth of body and facial hair and also skin changes. Physically their body starts to have more fat tissue around the hips, thighs and breast.

Psychological changes leads to mood swings, easily become irritable and feeling of low self esteem even for girls who normally enjoy a high self confidence.

what effect does acne have on girls during puberty?

Acne outbreak starts to happen at this time due to the increased in skin oil. Acne is an added problems to the other physical and psychological changes.

Luckily with just following a few simple steps that becomes a daily habits, these problems could be put under control.

Acne problems is a lot more easier to manage by preventing it rather than curing.

Proper skin care is the first step in preventing acne outbreak. Wash your face with facial cleanser. Skin care cleanser are available over the counter without prescription. Use a gentle skin care cleanser that is accommodating for all skin types.

Be gentle when cleaning your face. Do not scrub your face excessively and washing face twice a day should be the norm. Use skin care cleanser that contains Sulphur, Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic acid.

For those who wear facial makeup, make sure to use cosmetics products that contain non-comedogenic ingredients. Products with non-comedogenic ingredients are less likely to cause acne, blackheads or blocking skin pores.

There are many non-comodegenic products for makeup, lip sticks, moisturizers and even acne medicated makeup are available on the market today.

Acne is a manageable problems, with just following some simple routines. In serious cases that is unmanageable, please consult skin care specialist or dermatologist for proper treatment or medication.

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