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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Panic Attack Relief - Things You Can Do

By M B Bryan

Many people who suffer from panic attacks today will find that their lives are dramatically affected by them. However there are certain panic attack relief techniques that they can do which can help them to cope with them far better. But before they can attempt to treat the problem they first need to identify what is actually triggering an attack initially.

Certainly when a person is able to identify what has actually resulted in them feeling like they do when they have a panic attack, then they can look for ways to cope with them. Also if you can learn of ways to relieve the symptoms felt from such episodes then a person will be able to hopefully help prevent them occurring in the future.

In order for a person to deal with their panic attack and so provide them with relief they need to look closely at the thoughts they are experiencing at the time. In most cases the thoughts that such people have are generally of a more negative nature and will tend to be things that are scary or depressing.

So the quickest way in which people can obtain panic attack relief is by actually helping their mind to create thoughts that are of a more positive theme. It is best that these people start to think about things that they have enjoyed previously or which they would enjoy doing now. Unfortunately the more negative thoughts you allow to remain then the more negative signals will be sent to your body and which it will then react to in order to combat them.

Along with you thinking thoughts that are pleasant and enjoyable you need to focus on other areas of you. It is important that you start to focus on your breathing and bring this back under control. So find somewhere that you can sit or stand quietly and just begin to inhale and exhale very slowly and very deeply. Doing this will help not only to focus your attention away from the negative thoughts but will also start to bring the chemicals in your body back to a normal level.

Also when it comes to obtaining relieve from a panic attack you need to accept the fear and panic you are feeling for what they are. So as you take in your deep breaths tell yourself that it is only natural to feel the way you do and so allow the course of the episode to run it naturally.

If you want you could make a list of those things that you feel are exacerbating the situation and ones that help you to feel calmer and more relaxed. Then as soon as you feel that a panic attack is going to occur take out your calming list and read through it. Again this will help to focus your mind away from those thoughts which could eventually result in your attack getting out of control.

Above we have offered you some panic attack relief tips you may find useful. When it comes to dealing with panic attacks there are plenty of things you can do and the internet is a wonderful source of such information. Certainly the more you learn about what causes your panic attacks then the better you will find that you are able to cope and deal with them when they do take place.

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