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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How to Avoid Anxiety and Panic Attacks

By Ed Lathrop

When anxiety takes hold and the one suffering from it is unable to get rid of it for what seems to be an eternity, every day can become frightening. While being helped by the medical community is an option for these sufferers, many times they see this as a last resort and seek out natural anxiety cures.

People who are going through anxiety disorder often hide this fact from the world because they are often afraid others will think they are going insane. Of course, this is not at all true, seeing as anxiety disorder is a condition of the nervous system and not the mind. Still, many are unaware of this fact because the adrenaline that runs through their bloodstreams tricks them into thinking their problem is insanity.

Figuring Out Anxiety and Beating It At Its Own Game

A lot of people suffer from anxiety disorder and a lot of people have recovered from it. Unfortunately, most anxiety sufferers do not realize this disease is so widespread and because of this they are afraid to tell anyone. This only makes matters worse.

The first step in curing anxiety is realizing it is, indeed anxiety. Anxiety shouldn't be fought because fighting is the gasoline fueling the engine of anxiety. Anxiety sufferers must come to grips with the fact it is a nervous illness causing this problem. Instead of trying to slug their way out of it, they need to realize the anxiety can do no more harm if they refuse to fight it. Not-fighting will ease the severity of the anxiety and bring about a cure.

As well as fighting anxiety, another mistake panic sufferers make is trying to run away from it. Like fighting, running away causes more adrenaline flow and so more of the horrible feelings anxiety and panic attacks bring on. Trying to always be on guard against anxiety is the same as running away. It will will tend to make an anxiety attack more intense and longer lasting.

Trying to Fight it Off

Not running away or fighting the symptoms of anxiety means you are fulling realizing these symptoms are occurring. So, to realize they are happening, studying the feelings anxiety and panic brings on is helpful because this is the opposite of fighting or running away. When we don't fight anxiety and we don't run away from it, we will not be adding any adrenaline to our bloodstreams. Therefore, we will not be manufacturing more frightful feelings anxiety is known for bringing on.

I say this with one caveat; if you are experiencing alarming sensations such as chest pains, don't play around with them. See a medical professional who can administer the proper treatment for such a thing. He or she can tell you if anxiety/panic attack is what is bringing on the symptoms you are experiencing, or if it is something else.

Let Anxiety Whither Away

In conclusion, when an panic suffer learns how to prevent making the panic more intense, he or she is in recovery. The recovery won't come overnight. However, the anxiety and panic will quickly lessen in severity because without additional fear of anxiety's symptoms, adrenaline flow will be dying down instead of flaring up.

At this point, a full recovery will be inevitable. Just be sure you realize scaled down attacks of panic and anxiety will come back to visit you from time to time. Accept this fact and you will become totally free of anxiety disorder in the future. When in the future? Don't put a time-line on it. This would be fighting.

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