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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How Hollywood Celebrities Diet And Maintain Their Weight

By Christine G. Shannon

Isn't amazing how all of the celebrities you see have a celebrity diet plan for weight loss to maintain their weight. Some of them are shapely and healthy looking, and look good on camera. Others look like they haven't eaten in weeks, like they just got back from the famine in Ethiopia for a few weeks. Like they had been starving themselves to lose weight, and that is probably what they have been doing.

There are always stories of celebrity weight loss in the newspapers and in magazines. Celebrities also come up with fictional diets to explain how they shifted the weight, whereas in reality they just starved themselves, not only of food but of the essential foods and fluids necessary for the body to properly function.

Sure losing a great amount of weight in short periods of time may be somewhat the norm for some who are overly obese, since they are carrying large amounts of stored fat along with them. However, for those who are just a few pounds overweight, losing 40 pounds in a month is terribly unhealthy. It can lead to more serious problems for some individuals. The first thing to know about successful dieting is that it does take time. All those extra pounds did not show up overnight or even within just a few days. Our bodies fluctuate daily.

Without a maintenance diet program, to keep your weight stabilized after a large weight loss, you will put the weight back on. Dieting involves self-discipline and willpower in addition to knowing what foods to eat and when. Many of the celebrity diets are actually starvation type diets that are not healthy or worth risking other side effects.

Hollywood juice diet is the only thing you drink for a few days, no other essential nutrients or water. The weight comes off because you are starving, like being in a famine, but once you stop the juice diet and start eating regularly again, the weight will come back. If you only drink a juice diet without food, your body is going to suck up any food it gets and store it for later, in case you encounter another famine.

Just like many of the popular diets in Hollywood, when your body considers that you are actually starving yourself to death, it will rebel. It rebels by putting a stop to the process of losing that extra weight, just to keep you alive! A long term alternative is called for when dieting properly. The Hollywood hottest diets are no long term answer to weight loss and maintaining your target weight.

The biggest secret of the best celebrity diets is that these celebrities do not really have a secret when it comes to dieting. They are just normal people just like the rest of us. Only we do not have all the extra individuals working for us to make us look so appealing. Celebrities hire others to help them lose weight or get some kind of kick back for advertising a particular product, which includes any number of quick weight loss programs.

The best celebrity diets are the same ones the normal person does, that take self-discipline and willpower, and sticking with a balanced meal plan, and proper portions. Have you seen the Fat Loss 4 Idiots online dieting program yet?

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