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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Chemicals in Skincare That May Cause Skin Irritations

By Amy Nutt

As organic skin care grows in popularity, people are starting to realize just how unhealthy mainstream make up, lotions and basic heath items are. With this awareness has come a mounting alarm that these products are not FDA regulated and manufacturers can get away with using a lot of additives that pharmaceutical companies cannot. As a result, potentially life threatening chemicals are being placed in everyday items like baby oil, lotions and creams putting consumers at risk.

Many of these items can create adverse skin reactions and rashes that turn men and women off from the use of these otherwise beneficial items.

Below is a list of some of the things you should look out for when purchasing regular skin care products that may cause irritation or be potentially toxic.


Parabens are a collective group of preservatives that have been used by the cosmetic and beauty aid industry to reduce bacterial growth in their products. Many Parabens start with the prefix of methyl, ethyl, butyl, or propyl and are extremely hazardous to health as well as irritating to the skin.

Below is a list of some of these parabens as well as other toxic chemicals that can be aggravating to the largest organ of the human body as well as contribute to a host of ailments.

- Color and Fragrance - both of these substances do not provide anything other than an aesthetic or scent related effect, however, both have properties in them that create skin sensitivity. They are also carcinogenic, meaning that they could cause caner.

- DMDM Hydantoin. Another preservative, this chemical has been attributed to the releases of formaldehyde. This harmful byproduct not only causes skin irritation, it creates allergies and joint pain as well as a long list of hormonal problems.

- Triclosan. This chemical has been categorized by the EPA as a chlorophenol, a high level carcinogen. Just a tiny bit can create major health problems and wreak havoc on the body. The continued use of Triclosan has been linked to hormonal imbalances in both men and women.

- Propylene Glycol (PG) - petroleum based preservative this substance has been cited among the many numerous skin irritants in cosmetic and beauty products. It is also so toxic that handlers have to wear safety gear just to touch it.

- Butylene Glycol - also a petroleum based chemical, both butylene and propylene glycol is dangerous and extremely deadly and some cases. Butylene has been linked to cancer and numerous other chronic disorders.

- Mineral Oil - yet another petroleum product, mineral oil clogs pores creating aggravating break outs and rashes in many users. It also interferes with the skin?s ability to renew and repair itself. This can create a host of problems outside of mere acne issues as the skin needs to function properly for other important organs to work efficiently.

On an even scarier note, most baby oil is made up of 100% Mineral Oil!

There are hundreds more chemicals that can adversely affect the skin or cause illness -- to find out what they are, you should do further, in depth research on the topic.

Other problems associated with mainstream skin care products

Continued use of over the counter, mainstream skin care products can contribute to hormonal imbalances, allergies, severe skin irritations leading to rashes and dermatitis, disorders like CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) headaches, depression, mood swings and hyperactivity.

The answer

Using organic skincare products can alleviate some of the risks commonly associated with the use of mainstream beauty products. Be careful in this regard as many manufacturers may claim something is all natural or organic yet have chemicals in them.

Read all skin care product labels and above all, strive to make sure that you replace harmful chemical based products in your home with truly organic purchases. Though a bit more time consumptive, you will be rewarded with a better health and more luxurious and thankful skin.

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